Dig Deeper And
Find Your Purpose Find Your Truth Find Your Love Find Your Happiness
As your perspective changes, so does your reality. Now, let’s dive deep into these changes.

Are You Living In Truth?
As your perspective changes, so does your reality. Now, let’s dive deep into these changes.

Hi I am Michael DucilleThe Purpose Pusher
Founder of The 1 Percent Mindset, I believe that success starts from the shoulders up before it starts from the shoulders down. I first creating videos on Facebook to push people to be better. The feedback was great and started speaking at schools and corporate events.
My true passion is helping people breakthrough the limiting beliefs that stop them by uncovering what is underneath. Digging Deeper. My mentor used to tell me, ‘You Are The Problem, And You Are The Solution.’ It is time to uncover your truth.

Now you get to choose
Great place to get started. Slowly start to dig deep within yourself with our courses. These courses will help you excel in your career and life
Group or individual coaching sessions available. This is vantage point coaching based on an aerial view of your being.
Interested in having me speak to your organization? Fill out the form and someone from my team will be in touch.

Mental JoltPodcast
Your jolt of inspiration each and every single morning to get your day started. It’s your cup of coffee of motivation. The Mental Jolt Podcast released Mon-Fri
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